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Professor Dr Heinz-Peter Mansel

Professor Dr Heinz-Peter Mansel is a Director at the International Investment Law Centre Cologne (IILCC) and the Director of the Institute of Foreign Private and Private International Law of Cologne University. Furthermore, he holds the Chair for Private Law, Private International Law, Civil Procedure Law and Comparative Law of the University of Cologne.

He teaches international private and international civil procedure law including international investment law, contract law and comparative law. His publications are listed under

He is the President of the German Council of International Private Law (Scientific Council in connection with the German Ministry of Justice), the Chairman of the Review Board for Jurisprudence of the German Research Foundation (DFG), member of the board of the German-Turkish Lawyer Society, member of the Académie Internationale de droit comparé, the Società italiana degli Studiosi del diritto civile, the International Association of Procedural Law and of various other associations.